Ragazze Quartet plays both classical and modern string quartet repertoire: inspired and on the highest level. With attractive but unconventional programmes the quartet has come to be one of the most fresh and leading voices in the world of classical music.
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September Me
About this programme
Flint, Amersfoort / NL
Flint, Amersfoort / NL
Flint, Amersfoort / NL
FRI 18 SEP, from 7:00pm
Flint, Amersfoort / NL
SAT 19 SEP, from 11:00am
Flint, Amersfoort / NL
SUN 20 SEP, from 11:00am
Flint, Amersfoort / NL
THU 23 SEP, 9:00pm
Opening concert | Flint, Amersfoort / NL
SUN 26 SEP, 2:00pm
So You Think You Can Write a Strijkkwartet?! | Sint Aegtenkapel, Amersfoort / NL
SUN 26 SEP, 3:30pm
So You Think You Can Write a Strijkkwartet?! | Sint Aegtenkapel, Amersfoort / NL
SUN 26 SEP, 7:00pm
Dinerconcert | Flint, Amersfoort / NL
SAT 11 JUN, 8:15pm
Warm-up concert / Flint / Amersfoort / NL
THU 22 SEP, 8:15pm
Opening concert: Duende / Flint / Amersfoort / NL
THU 21 SEP, 8:15pm
Opening concert: In the Element / Flint / Amersfoort / NL
SAT 23 SEP, 8:15pm
Plant Bloom Sessions / Premiere / September Me / Flint / Amersfoort / NL
THU 26 SEP, 8:15pm
Opening Concert 'Head over Heels' / Flint Theatre / Amersfoort (NL)
SUN 29 SEP, 3:30pm
Dearest, / Flint Theatre / Amersfoort (NL)
SUN 29 SEP, 5:00pm
Welcome Here, Kind Stranger / Flint Theatre / Amersfoort (NL)
Annual colourful music festival for explorers and wanderers in Amersfoort curated by Ragazze

Every year Festival September Me makes Amersfoort the buzzing centre of classical music in the fourth weekend of September. Especially for September Me, Theatre Flint is transformed into a musical and atmospheric festival heart where you can lose yourself in appealing side programming and enjoy special festival menus. September Me 2024 takes place from 26 to 29 September.


Ragazze Quartet curates this festival with a fresh and contemporary outlook and with a lot of attention for upcoming artists who are about to break through internationally. In the upcoming edition, composers, musicians and artists will reflect on the festival theme ‘Out of Love’ in creative and inspiring ways. Artist in focus this year is the young Scottish Brìghde Chaimbeul. She is a leading composer of experimental Celtic music playing the Scottish smallpipes.


Ragazze Quartet will, of course, also perform itself during the festival in the programmes below. For the full festival schedule, more information and tickets, see September Me. For the latest news follow us on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok en/of LinkedIn.

Thu 26 September
Opening Concert ‘Head Over Heels’ with artist in focus Brìghde Chaimbeul, Maxwell Quartet, Linda Buckley (electronics) and Jurjen Alkema (light). Directed by Ria Marks
Fri 27 September
The World’s Wife with Lucia Lucas (baritone)
Sun 29 September
'Dearest,' with Katherine Dain, Maurice Lammerts van Bueren, Tjitske Jansen and Remco Menting