The Young Ambassadors Ragazze is a group of music, art and culture enthusiasts between 18 and 25 years old who aren’t afraid to give their opinions, take initiative in the world and feel committed to Ragazze Quartet.
The ambassadors handpick a show, concert or other must-see on our website each month. Their choices aren’t just a fresh wind for the members of the quartet but also for young music adventurers or classical ears curious for new sounds.
Online Cello Biënnale 2020
“The entire Cello Biënnale 2020 will be live streamed! You can sign up on the website and receive the concert-schedule for each day, with links to the livestreams, an edition with fantastic Dutch cellists. Saturday and Monday the Ragazze are on the menu!”Tune in for Ragazze!
Sat 24th Oct – 8.00pm > Chopin Naturally!
Mon 26th Oct – 8.15pm > Elegy for Anner Bijlsma
ma 26 okt – 20:15 >