On 20 December 2024, the premiere of Normality No More took place in a virtually sold-out Theatre Rotterdam. Press was well presented and the performance received largely positive reviews and the occasional scouring review. Read along with us below!
Trouw: “The musical collaboration in Normality No More is nothing short of a triumph” ★★★★
“It is impressive how singers, strings, a percussionist, a keyboard player and seven dancers on stage form a homogeneous performance, with disciplines being switched smoothly from time to time.”
“Dagmar Slagmolen’s monologues, a sometimes quite witty adaptation by singer-songwriter Lucky Fonz III of Wilhelm Müller’s poems on which Schubert based his songs, support the music and dance. In this, Schubert’s rejected traveller in Winterreise symbolises the socially excluded ‘neurodivergent fellow man’.” Read the full Trouw review (in Dutch and for subscrivers only).
Theaterkrant: “Neurodiversity as superpower in layered total theatre” (Critic’s choice)
“Normality No More is among those rare theatrical experiences that continue to reverberate in the memory and nervous system for a long time.”
“Davide Bellotta makes his main stage debut as a choreographer here. And what kind of a debut! His movement language is compelling starting from the brilliant group scene, in which dancers and musicians move across the stage like an inextricable human tangle. There is plenty of plucking and tugging at the arms of playing violinists, while alternating artists in the crowd become entangled.”
“Against the countertenor’s high-drama, multi-instrumentalist Genevieve Murphy sets a subdued version of ‘Die Krähe’. With Björkian breath, she sings to the rejected lover, from the perspective of the crow. The original version of that same crow song delivers one of the show’s most beautiful choreographies. As Den Hartog imperturbably sings marvelling at the fidelity of his dark companion, he is embraced, bemoaned and finally gagged by Mariko Shimoda.” Read the full review in Theaterkrant (Dutch only).
Het Parool: “A dazzling and expressive celebration of neurodiversity”
“A highly successful gesamtkunstwerk, in which dance, music and text each have an equal place and intertwine with great feeling – and occasionally the necessary humour – to give colour to the idea of neurodiversity.”
“The Ragazze Quartet and Via Berlin make their equal textual and musical contributions, adding quirky, interesting touches with input from vocal artist Genevieve Murphy, lyricist Lucky Fonz III and singer Ntjam Rosie.” Read the full review from Het Parool (in Dutch and for subscrivers only).
De Volkskrant: “The very behaviour of the performers in Normality No More creates a magnification of familiar prejudices.” ★★
“The four adventurous violinists of the Ragazze Quartet allow themselves to be pushed into space in a tangle with dancers, singers and percussionists, as an example of stifling group pressure. Meanwhile, they play admirably vigorously a considerably corrupted version of Franz Schubert’s Winterreise (1827).” Read the full Volkrant review (in Dutch and for subscrivers only).
Photo’s by Andreas Terlaak.